DUI Defense

If you received a traffic ticket or have been arrested for drunk driving, we are here to take care of your traffic ticket violation case so you can spend your time on other important tasks.

Why choose us to fight your traffic ticket in Chesterfield, Michigan?

  • Local Attorney
  • We offer FREE Telephone and Office consultation
  • We offer FREE price quote
  • We offer low fees flat rates
  • We accept Partial and VISA/Mastercard payments are accepted

If you get a ticket, you need to know the following:

  • You have better alternatives
  • Do not argue with a police or a prosecute about a point
  • Availing the services of a lawyer is minimall than being found guilty
  • Do not easily believe that you can avoid paying traffic ticket without legal representation
  • There are mandatory driver responsibility fees($200-1000 a year for 2 years) assessed for any conviction

Our traffic ticket services include:

  • Habitual DWI
  • Habitual traffic offender
  • Missed court or failure to appears
  • Driving without vehicle insurance ticket    
  • Use of cellphones while driving ticket
  • Wrong-way driving on divided highway    
  • Driving after license has been suspended    
  • Caught driving with no license    
  • Failed to pay a traffic fines ticket    
  • Unsafe change of lane ticket    
  • Failing to stop for a school bus    
  • Following too closely or tailgating violation    
  • Failure to yield auto collision ticket    
  • Failed or improper use of turn  traffic
  • Control device citation traffic ticket
  • Improper U-turn    
  • Red light running driving violation
  • Failure to stop at red light violation ticket
  • Moving violation causing injury ticket    
  • Parking and speeding charge ticket    

If you need our help today, do not hesitate to give us a call at 586-755-2900. What are you waiting for? Pick-up the phone and dial our number today!